Money & You® Graduates... Take your Money & You® experience to the next level.

Redefine your reality of TRUE wealth AND what's possible for your life, legacy and riches.

If you are looking to leverage what you discovered at Money & You®, gain the “how to’s” used by the truly wealthy and experience a paradigm shift in what’s possible in your own leverage, wealth creation and future, register your interest here and we’ll be in touch ASAP.

Building on what you discovered at Money & You®, Creating Wealth & You is THE next level. Only for Money & You® Graduates, this program is specifically designed to build on the principles of wealth, money, leverage and more taught at Money & You® to deliver you a PARADIGM SHIFT in your relationship beyond money and beyond business to TRUE WEALTH.

“Creating Wealth & You was designed in response to Money & You® Graduates’ requests for the best way to put in place the principles learned in Money & You® for maximum effect.” - Dame Doria Cordova, the CEO of Money & You® and Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs.

Next Live Event:

15 - 17 November 2024 - Mantra Legends Hotel Gold Coast QLD

*Subject to Government Border Management & Hotel/Venue Impacts

Considered Money & You® Part II – the “How To” – Creating Wealth & You sees Buckminster Fuller’s principles translated further, giving you even greater access to creating true wealth which includes money, riches AND contribution.

Creating Wealth & You covers the latest, most
workable strategies for:


building and

AMASSING enduring wealth ...

... that generates a steady stream of

income for life

Working harder is not the answer … Leverage, leverage, leverage.

At Creating Wealth & You specific, proven systems for mastering finances are taught at an entirely new level – people who participate create for themselves the financial independence most only dream of.

Only available to Money & You® Graduates, participants have breakthrough experiences during the 3-day program, that result in a QUANTUM LEAP in financial clarity, business growth, increases in performance, decreases in costs and a shift to a TRUE WEALTH MINDSET that surpasses all previous thinking you’ve ever experienced for yourself on money or wealth.

It is truly transformative.

What’s your reality box?

At Money & You® you’ll remember a discussion about our “reality box” – that is, what we believe is possible for us financially is all that is possible for us financially!

For example, why can one person charge $1,000,000 while another charges $10,000 for largely the same service? Bottom line: it’s their reality box that determines their financial rewards. One has a very different reality box around their value than the other.

Bob Proctor puts it this way:

“Show me the highest amount a person has ever earned for one year of effort and I can tell you exactly what that person believes about themselves.”

He goes on to talk about the reality box this way:

Creating Wealth & You literally moves the walls of your reality box outward to a greater and higher …

... Expansion of your wealth.

... Expansion of your wealth.

... Expansion of your wealth.

in YOU.

If you are ready to take your life and your financial future to a whole new level, and break through your reality box around TRUE 

WEALTH … participating in Creating Wealth & You is a must.

Next Live Event:

15 - 17 November 2024 - Mantra Legends Hotel Gold Coast QLD

*Subject to Government Border Management & Hotel/Venue Impacts

At Creating Wealth & You, you will MASTER  beyond 

your money mindset - TO YOUR TRUE WEALTH MINDSET.

At this program you will experience and practice mastery in your finances, and reinvent your relationship with money and wealth. Creating Wealth & You sees you explore even greater depths of principles taught in Money & You® in the specific area of Wealth Creation such that you are implementing for the best possible results in your life, your finances and bank accounts, your business – and your future.

A very rare and extraordinary program.

Limited to approximately 50 Money & You® Graduates from all over the world - and with significant bookings already - only limited places remain. You do need to act quickly to secure your place and benefit.

Next Live Event:

15 - 17 November 2024 - Mantra Legends Hotel Gold Coast QLD

*Subject to Government Border Management & Hotel/Venue Impacts

What’s the difference between the truly wealthy and the rest of us?

One works only to create wealth.

The other works only for money.

This program hones in on YOUR PERSONAL:

  • wealth creation strategies
  • the leverage you experience (or don’t) in your life, work and business
  • your attitudes and beliefs about generating very real and generational wealth for your legacy and,
  • your personal power and clarity in the arenas of money and wealth and,
  • building your own true path of least resistance to long lasting financial freedom.

It is about taking COMMAND now.

Once you’ve participated in Creating Wealth & You you will know yourself as someone who can and does create wealth from nothing at ANY TIME under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES – an incredibly empowering context for life and your relationship to money.

You will never again doubt your ability to produce and retain real wealth and you will begin to truly understand where you can and do add the most value and start to monetize your gifts – in your career or your business - at a whole new level.

Next Live Event:

15 - 17 November 2024 - Mantra Legends Hotel Gold Coast QLD

*Subject to Government Border Management & Hotel/Venue Impacts

At Creating Wealth & You, you’ll also discover and leave with

  • More than just the mindset of a millionaire
  • The step by step of setting up accounts and details for reaching Financial Independence in your lifetime
  • Systems to get out and stay out of debt – good habits to teach your team, staff, children and family
  • Clearing the blocks – through very fun and entertaining games and exercises – on having the level of cash/money, wealth and fortune that you desire
  • How to stop working for a living and creating Income Generating Activities which lead you to Multiple Streams of Income
  • The essence of Money, Wealth, Credit, Products, Systems, and Having Enough through an unforgettable game of clarity
  • How to build your Empire through Leverage, Leverage, Leverage
  • Leaving a legacy for your loved ones and community
  • What does Wealth really mean to you – and how to acquire it
  • Networking at a whole other level
  • Methods to stop sabotaging yourself from success and the wealth you desire and deserve
  • How to allow others to love and support you – and more!

Of course, based on excellerated and experiential learning, the curriculum includes significant and powerful games and learning activities as always, set to challenge, intrigue and transform us
beyond your Money & You® experience and into new realms of
financial success.

A Lifetime Membership, so you keep getting value over time.

As we say:

“The highest form of leverage is education.”


“Repetition leads to discovery.” 

Just like Money & You® & our Global Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs, once you graduate Creating Wealth & You you can return to review the program anywhere in the world, anytime you want for the rest of your life, for FREE.
Of course, if you are a Creating Wealth & You graduate please consider yourself invited to join us and review on these dates – or better yet join our Logistics team for the program! Please provide your latest details and we’ll be in touch.
Creating Wealth & You Curriculum and Outcomes
(include and are not limited to):

Day One

  • Creating the context
  • The difference between Wealth and Money
  • Elements of Human Behavior around Wealth
  • True Wealth, Fortune and Money
  • Adding Value
  • Economics
  • Income Generating Assets, Multiple Sources of Income
  • Proven Systems for Mastering Your Finances and     Creating Immediate Cash Flow
  •  Financial Habits
  • Business Success Model
  • Handling Survival
  • Income Generating Activities
  • Leverage
  • Synergy/Results
  • The Effects of Family Patterns on Creating Wealth
  • Clearing Blocks to Wealth
  • Clearing Past Family Patterns

Day Two

  • Definitions of Money, Wealth, Credit, Products, Systems, and Having Enough
  • Belief Systems
  • Cashflow Quadrant Expanded
  • Money Game
  • Asking Game
  • Emotional Intelligence –How your Emotions Affect your Results 
  • Creating a Legacy
  • Networking

Day Three

  • The Effects of Beliefs on Wealth
  • Wealth vs. Scarcity
  • Money and Exchange
  • Tools and Skills
  • Saving
  • Investing
  • Tithing
  • Wealth Expansion Exercises
  • Completing the Past
  • Creating the Future
  • Life Purpose
  • Creating Wealth from Doing Good
  • “Millionaire-in-Lag”
  • Closing Ceremony and Celebration

Next Live Event:

15 - 17 November 2024 - Mantra Legends Hotel Gold Coast QLD

*Subject to Government Border Management & Hotel/Venue Impacts

A 3-day transformational experience led by global masters
who walk their talk …

Dame Doria Cordova, the entrepreneur who has expanded Money & You® and the entire Excellerated Curriculum around the world for the last 43 years, is coming to Australia to co-lead this powerful 3-day event herself, with fellow entrepreneur and Money & You® Instructor Andrew Barron.

Spending time with Doria and Andrew is an amazing opportunity for you.

Very specifically, this program explores in depth – through fun, powerful and insightful experiential games and exercises – many, many distinctions that make it crystal clear HOW TO create the path to true wealth AND fulfill your life’s purpose while you generate riches beyond what is currently possible for you.

Doria is a social entrepreneur, humanitarian, global leader in transformational education and absolute master of our relationship with money, wealth creation, leverage and legacy.

She truly is the power behind the power - so many names have been mentored by Doria or worked closely with her, from Jack Canfield, to Sharon Lechter & Tony Robbins - there are literally thousands who have been impacted by her stand for humanity and her life purpose to answer Buckminster Fuller’s question ...

“How do we have the world work for 100% of humanity ...?”

Frankly, spending time with her is always inspiring, empowering and absolutely enlightening – and given her schedule as a global humanitarian and ambassador – it’s also a rare privilege.

Her co-leader and a person actively living the distinctions of Creating Wealth & You each and every day, is the amazing
entrepreneur and Money & You® Instructor Andrew Barron.

Andrew went from earning $200 per week to earning $50,000 to $100,000 per month within 8 months of completing Money & You® - in fact, he then built a $30M enterprise in just 3 years. Andrew now works part time in his business - just like Doria, Andrew absolutely understands leverage.

This is an incredible opportunity to be with two masters of leverage and wealth creation for 3 full days of excellerated and experiential learning that will further your mastery in the arena of money and wealth.

The breakthroughs you'll gain, when applied, will see you grow your financial position and your personal wealth over time.

Next Live Event:

15 - 17 November 2024 - Mantra Legends Hotel Gold Coast QLD

*Subject to Government Border Management & Hotel/Venue Impacts

Please remember: you must be a Money & You® Graduate to participate in Creating Wealth & You.

Creating Wealth & You is a part of the Excellerated Curriculum which includes the legendary Money & You® transformational program.

Money and You®, Powerful Presentations and You®, and the Global Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs - all offered in Australia and New Zealand by 90Degrees Global, we look forward to seeing you find out more and benefit in 2021!